Post-Abortive Healing Resources
First Coast Women's Services
First Coast Women’s Services provides abortion healing assistance Bible study based on the book, Forgiven and Set Free. More information is available by visiting or by calling (904) 262-6300, ext. 25 or e-mail
Project Rachel
Project Rachel is a confidential reconciliation and healing program based on love, forgiveness and mercy. The program is sponsored by the Diocese of St. Augustine and serves those requesting post-abortion help through individual counseling. Clergy and counselors, trained to minister to those affected by abortion, respond with compassion and concern. More information is available by visiting or by calling (888) 456-4673.
Rachel's Vineyard
Rachel’s Vineyard is a weekend retreat program based on meditations from the Bible. It is open to women and men of any faith background or no faith background suffering from the aftermath of abortion. Retreats are run by a trained team consisting of clergy, a professional counselor and 4 – 6 lay team members. These confidential, compassionate retreats are offered throughout the U.S. and in many foreign countries. Dates and further information are available by calling (904) 221-3232 or on-line at